
Knobs are one of the easiest ways of making a piece of furniture look amazing. The right color, shape and style add so much personality to it's owner. Take this dresser for example.

The knobs just make all the difference. While the orange color is fabulous, the hand painted knobs just give it that little extra somethin somethin.

This little beauty went home to be in a nursery of a sweet little boy due in the new year. The parents to be are painting the walls a gorgeous gray color and this will add quite the statement.
These knobs are from www.potteryville.com. 101 North Vintage Users will receive 10% off their orders by entering the code Inspired by December 31, 2012.
11/21/2012 01:23:13 am

Ummmm....one word for you. STUNNING! I am in love with your new website and can't wait to return for major inspiration.


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    Hi, my name is Lori and I have a not so secret love of all things vintage. Here you will find my latest acquisitions and treasures in my quest as curator/hoarder


    November 2012

